It was only three and a half years ago that the acronym ‘KLP’ first fell on my (not so deaf) ears. I had heard of the ‘forward thinking’ schools, which were already throwing phrases such as ‘digital native’ and ‘learning platform’ around the staff room as a natural part of day to day lingo, but had never considered that could be us!
Then the journey began….one day myself and my ICT leader, along with fellow colleagues were sitting in the procurement room debating the pros and cons of each learning platform (myself with very little clue being gently guided by my techie friend!!) and the we are with a fully integrated, secure learning platform, enjoyed by our pupils, staff, parents and even the Governing body that fully enhances Teaching and Learning at our school!
When asked to write this piece, I started to consider how we actually got to where we are today. After much thought, decided it was due to a recipe of inspirational leadership from the school’s ICT leader, staff who are always willing to ‘give it a go’, well planned CPD, careful ongoing support, enthused children and parents that didn’t mind being gently nagged.
Then finally me, the head….basically the ‘yes’ man, or should I say woman, who agreed to the inspirational leadership of my ICT leader to manifest itself every day in the life of Eureka.
Do I regret it? Not one bit!....I will say ‘yes’ a thousand times over, if it generates the enthusiasm and learning opportunities that has occurred so far at our school. To be quite frank, I would say a thousand times ‘yes’ for you too, if I thought it would open your eyes fully to the potential that this safe, online space has.
So how has it been used at Eureka?
In lessons KLP is the home to learning journeys, web links, web conferences, wikis, blogs, questionnaires, quizzes, games, home learning, video clips, personalised work spaces to name a few.
However, KLP in my opinion can go far beyond…..creating pupil assessment evidence portfolios linked to APP, holding pupil data, organising parent and pupil questionnaires, a forum for our school ministers and ‘Team 007’ a pupil learning and teaching team, all of which can be created by staff and in many cases the pupils themselves.Then of course there are the staff and governors spaces which hold the key to all school documentation, allowing us to use this space to communicate and collaborate daily, as well as delivering staff and Governors meetings. The parent space has a wealth of opportunities with regular blogs as to the learning which is occurring in the school, newsletters, notices and live areas during residential visits that means the parents don’t need to miss out on what their child is doing when away from home for the first time.
Do I think we have exhausted KLP? Absolutely not, I welcome with open arms any future developments, and if I may give you tips to success:
Trust your colleagues, they often know more than you!
Don’t be cautious; be considered, there is a difference!
Listen to the children….they will tell you!
And finally…….
Be a ‘yes’ man (or woman!), open your eyes….and enjoy!"
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