What an amazing day we had at Swanwick Hayes yesterday!
Eight of our boys year 4, 5 and 6, presented a series of work shops to teachers, ICT coordinators, Head teachers, consultants and even our KEYNOTE speaker Mr Tim Rylands - a gentleman whom both my children and I have become huge fans of! As we delivered our final workshop for the day, he was blogging to the world all about it - read about it at
Here's a may be useful...
Our workshop delivered by myself and the boys was to entice the delegates in the wonder of KLP and how it thoroughly engages all of our children at Eureka into the digital world of learning! The power of web 2 technologies developing awe and wonder, a sfae and secure environment of an ever increasing opportunity to learn independently, push the bounderies and barriers to enjoy our time in our learning journey and be able to share it with the whole school community.
The boys were sharing and explaining very confidently how powerful a tool KLP is, and all the different pages and spaces we have and continue to develop to enhance their Literacy skills across all year groups and all abilities.
A truly memorable experience for both myself and the youngsters!