We watched the trailor for APOLLO 13 - after I had added it to our KLP page for our new topic - of course!!! We can view over and over again - for a whole variety of reasons.
We discussed salient points, action, characters, empathised with them, looked at mood, camera angle...
Next - I added some snap shots form the trailer into various wikis - children chose the characters, acted out the scene and we worked on the charactreisation, speech bubbles and then speech marks for narrative!

Resulting form that event, the children planned their films in small production teams using a film board scene planner. Great enthusiasm, team work and fabulous imagainery space events...
To complete their film, the children then had to choose - the usual - movie maker, photo story, digiblue.....or a couple of new 'free' cloud based pieces of sortware...
We tried Zooburst and Animoto! What a hit!!!! After creation, I collected the embed code, added each html code to a text editor and created our film page...
After embedding into a page full of films....I added the relevant code to each child's eportfolio too! They then have their own - to keep! Plus, invited all the school to add a film review of 2 stars and a wish to discussion board question linked to the film camera! You could easilly do this to a survey too! And be more specific with the questions!!!
A super literacy topic - that encompassed so so much more...bets of it was the whole class -mainly BOYS - were VERY engaged!!!!!!